The Imagined Journey of Wish Lanterns

our Brent loves wish lanternsIt’s always a joy when members of the public write in telling us how much they appreciate seeing our wish lanterns at wonderful locations all around the world. It’s even more of a joy when someone creative and imaginative, such as the lovely Brent Heise, who sent us an email recently, explained how he had been inspired by seeing a release of wish lanterns in the Polish city of Warsaw. As he rightly pointed out, the journey of the lanterns can really only be seen for a short while after take-off, and that got him wondering about the adventures and unique journey the lantern may encounter once it was out of his sight. In fact, he got so interested in this pondering, that he created a beautiful motion graphics video, based on this wholly imaged adventure. He kindly sent us a link to it, and here we are now, sharing it with you, on your lunch hour/coffee break/faffing time.
If, like Brent, you’ve got something that is inspired by wish lanterns that you’ve thought up and made real-maybe a film, a picture or painting, or any other creative medium that you’re familiar with- please do let us know, and we can feature you in one of our widely celebrated blogs. We look forward to hearing from you!

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