Chinese Lanterns have gradually but surely become an integral part of the festival experience and Glastonbury is surely the ultimate- the big daddy- of all festivals. This year, the lanterns made an even more significant appearance in the Somerset fields, as they featured as part of Blur’s emotional set which closed the festival on Sunday night. This was the first time that Blur has taken to Glastonbury’s stage since 1998 and it was a euphoric and affecting performance- not least because the sight of sky lanterns floating towards the moody skies created such a breath taking spectacle.
They even inspired one Glasto-poet to write a stanza in honour of them in his poem For Tomorrow:
Ten unsteady Chinese lanterns sailed
across the sky like lovers,
lovers who had wounded us
whom we had not seen for years.
Neither did they escape the attention of the headline act. Damon Albarn from Blur commented that “they are beautiful” adding “It seems like there’s been a really, really positive atmosphere here”, no doubt helped along by the calming, hypnotic Chinese lanterns being launched.
So there you have it- Chinese lanterns, wish lanterns, whatever you want to call them- never fail to impress, even at Glastonbury. If you are interested in purchasing one of our beautiful lanterns please click here.